Read Digidesign's
& Apple's reports about the original ADRStudio system used on Star Wars
The ADRStudio application communicates interactively with Pro Tools, extracting information, feeding instructions to Pro Tools and co-ordinating the re-recording session. Pro Tools remains the centralised audio 'deck' whilst ADRStudio controls transport, record in and out times, pre and post rolls, track arming and muting, take management, naming of recordings - and much more.

During spotting for ADR, Foley or any other purpose, ADRStudio grabs in and out times from Pro Tools, or from Gallery's VirtualVTR. Users may then enter additional data for the cue including dialogue, notes, and other fields. This information is entered into a comprehensive list where the data can be sorted, filtered, arranged and printed in a variety of formats, or exported as PDF files. During re-recording, ADRStudio controls the session from the script, automating all aspects such as record enabling tracks, muting/unmuting playback channels during the take, automatically naming recordings, and controlling, GPIs, streamers and beeps. ADRStudio even has a Speech Synthesizer to automatically 'call' the take. ADRStudio integrates with all video streamer boxes, including the excellent streamer and running cursor (inserter) functions in Gallery's VirtualVTR Pro.

Print layouts are based around HTML documents, so customising ADRStudio's paperwork is easy for anyone who can work a web-page design application. Similarly, the GPI event sequence which ADRStudio uses for studio control during re-recording is based on XML scripts which can be edited by end-users to offer any combination of GPI and Midi control to suit your workflow.

ADRStudio OSX adds additional functionality to your Pro Tools workstation, to offer all the facilities required for a world-class ADR or Foley recording studio. Working in conjunction with your existing Audio workstation investment, ADRStudio drives the audio editor like a synchroniser, providing automated spotting, and re-recording control right inside your familiar editing environment.ADRStudio has been used for hundreds of major motion pictures since its release in 1995, including Star Wars Episodes 1 and 2, and The Lord of the Rings. ADRStudio's tight integration with Pro Tools, its powerful functionality, and the ability to create a portable ADR rig based around a laptop have made ADRStudio the clear choice for hundreds of leading facilities in the Film and TV industries.ADRStudio 3.0 is a brand new version of Gallery's Industry Standard ADRStudio system. For Mac OSX, Gallery completely re-wrote the application from the ground up to modernize the architecture for today's workflow. By simplifying installation and operation, Gallery have made ADRStudio easier to setup and use than ever before, and the new communications mechanism with the host DAW application is extremely reliable.

ADRStudio has a programmable muting matrix for each mode (preview, record and review), which independently controls the mute / input monitor status of each track during the course of the roll.

ADRStudio has a sophisticated GPI event sequencer which can trigger user programmable events at various stages during the roll. Whether you need to turn Air Conditioning or a Plasma screen fan on and off, control a red light, start and stop an MMC safety machine like an DA-88, or you have some other studio control requirement, ADRStudio can handle it. You can easily program your own GPI event using simple XML files.

“ADRStudio™ works flawlessly, everybody loves it. ADRStudio’s speed allows us to keep up with the creative flow without waiting for the equipment to catch up. It saves weeks of post production time loading ADR from DAT since it records right into Pro Tools which is the editing system we use. “