Using ADRStudio
Stage One : Spotting
During spotting for ADR, Foley or any other purpose, a single keypress made from Pro Tools prompts ADRStudio to grab in and out times from your Pro Tools selection, and presents a dialog where information about that cue can be entered. Clip names are automatically generated from your root name, and fields are provided for dialog text, actor and character names, plus directors notes. Spotting can also be performed with VirtualVTR and scripts can be imported in a variety of industry standard formats via an included Filemaker Pro database layout
Stage Two : Paperwork

The spotting information is immediately entered into a comprehensive list where the data can be sorted, filtered, arranged and printed in a variety of formats, ready for artist, engineer, producer etc. ADRStudio prints professional re-recording scripts in a variety of formats which can be easily customised by end users with an HTML editor.

Stage Three : Re-Recording
During re-recording, the ADRStudio application controls Pro Tools from the ADR script, automating all aspects such as record enabling tracks, generating beeps, muting/unmuting playback channels during the take, automatically naming cues, and interfacing with external units for streamers and GPIs, and even controlling a safety machine like a DA-88 via MMC. Subsequent takes are stacked up inside Pro Tools and can be accessed with Apple-Click for comping versions, or bringing the circle take to the top.
ADRStudio has a sophisticated GPI event sequencer which can trigger user programmable events at various stages during the roll. Whether you need to turn Air Conditioning or a Plasma screen fan on and off, control a red light, start and stop an MMC safety machine like an DA-88, or you have some other studio control requirement, ADRStudio can handle it. You can easily program your own GPI event using simple XML files.

ADRStudio has a programmable muting matrix for each mode (preview, record and review), which independently controls the mute / input monitor status of each track during the course of the roll.