009 is Gallery's 9-pin Machine Control software which can be used as a standalone remote controller, but is often used as a Midi Machine Control)to 9-pin convertor to add 9-pin functionality to applications with MMC support.
As well as adding 9-pin machine control to these applications, 009 reads LTC through the Mac's Sound Input jack and converts this to MTC to synchronise the applications.
So, with 009 and 2 cables, you can slave your software to a 9-pin deck with no additional sync peripherals.


  • On screen control of 9-pin (Sony P2) Compatible devices.
  • Mark In / Out and Recording Control
  • Jog Shuttle Control
  • Converts MMC (Midi Machine Control) to 9-pin Commands
  • Reads LTC from Deck and Converts to Midi TimeCode